Yesterday I didn't get a chance to post. Maybe just too distressed. Anyway, the day just doesn't start off well. I tried to take a shot of some boxes, but I guess I'm too dumb for my own good. Whatever the case, the shot turned out completely black. I took it with the time-zero onestep. I supposed I guessed incorrectly when it came to available light inside.
The day didn't really go any better after that. I went to see Tiffany at work, and I wanted to test the SX-70 some more so I took her photo. (yeah I know, another one). You could see her pretty well but, nevertheless, it was really overexposed. Strange. We weren't in bright light, and I had the exposure wheel at normal...
This disturbed me, so when I got home I took some more photos trying to figure out what the problem was, or if there even was a problem...hoping that it was mere user-error. This is what I came up with
I played around with the exposure wheel as well. Still nothing. ALL of them looked bad. AND some of them had that strange black spec, like someone had used a sharpie to mark them. Distressed, I went about the rest of my day wondering what was going on with the camera I wanted to work so much. That night, after having taken ALL of the remaining exposures in the blend pack (GRRRRR) I attempted to switch the ND filter from the blend pack to the 600 pack here.
I did this, then blindly hopedthat somehow in some great scheme of things I got a wacked out pack.
BTW Keep in mind that I made that video very late last night and was a little delirious.
-1 pack Blend film
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1 comment:
watching you tear off that photo filter in that video was like watching some sort of national geographic devil creature devour some poor innocent. you know, like some sort of earthen nest spider ambush. calm yourself yiago!
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